Tuesday, December 15

fuckin fun dream

author: si3ge

so i just woke up on my only day off and wow. had a crazy dream!
started out i was living in this house like i do now but i was living with some other people including a crazy guy who is really abusive. for some reason im younger and cant fight back. they all leave for somewhere and i decide to run.
i just strolled away to the neighbors house at like 230am - 3am thinking it was so dark no one could find me no matter how close i was but then the neighbors dog somehow was untethered and began to ran towards me. I jumped the fence into the backyard. from there i did not want to stay in any place i could potentially get in trouble for long, so i started jumping fences and travelling away via backyards and houses instead of running down the street. i jumped into the next yard which didnt have much of a backyard and had to enter the establishment.
i sneaked through houses with families sleeping and even an animal shelter or pet store... i dont know what it was but it looked like it was made for animals to play around in. one house i went through had a YRMC water bottle in it and as i stopped to look at it. when i did i heard the footsteps and voices of my pursuers so i hurriedly removed the wooden stick holding the sliding glass door closed, not worrying about how much noise i was making and only thinking about escaping in time i dashed out.
since i now knew i was being chased i changed course dramatically and found myself running through a park (i know theres no parks near here... its a dream.) and as i headed for a bridge underpass a policecar began tailing me... so i ran harder. at the base of the underpass was a group of girls and i overheard them discussing that one of them thought i was cute and they urged her to go talk to me. i knew i wanted to stop and chat but couldnt so i had to just make a mental note of where i was and remember to come back when this whole thing was over but in the dream... i felt like it was the love of my life somehow. she was wearing a black shirt with vampire lips and teeth on the front and some blood dripping down, she had a hat and a ponytail and some sunglasses.
so i kept right on running and as i completely burned her after having been running for miles and as teh cop car closed in on me i realized i was in a dream. i turned down the next street determined to lose them and to come back to talk to blackshirt girl but that is when i woke up.

i must have broken into 5-10 houses and never had so much fun and excitement. being invisible to everyone when i wanted and girls chasing me when i was in plain sight... pretty awesome.